Community Connections

Thank You, SEAHO!

Thank You, SEAHO!

On February 25, 2021, we sat in the SEAHO business meeting and heard Katie Lewis announce eRezLife Software as the recipient of the 2021 Corporate Partner Award. She read powerful statements from our community members who nominated us and provided our small company with recognition that holds so much meaning. For us, the award highlighted our company, but more importantly, it highlighted the value and importance of community.

Showcase the Impact of Intentional Interactions

Showcase the Impact of Intentional Interactions

Many will agree, intentional interactions are the lifeblood of Residential Curriculum. Due to the nature of intentional interactions, it can be difficult to collect data, as we rely on student staff members to obtain and document this information. It’s important to precisely identify what information you need to report.

2020 Reflections

2020 Reflections

To say that 2020 has been a challenging year is an understatement, and trying to predict what 2021 may hold is even more complex with the uncertainty ahead. When you can’t make an educated decision about the upcoming year, how can you create informed, SMART goals without setting yourself up for failure? It’s important to reflect on the past in order to learn and move forward in a productive way.

Are Listening and Learning Enough?

Are Listening and Learning Enough?

Yes, listening and learning are important and necessary steps, particularly in higher education where life-long learning is a shared value. However, focusing exclusively on listening and learning continues a problematic pattern of situating people of color as the sole guardians of race knowledge. Plus, it keeps white allies in a passive role when it comes to taking action for sustained systemic change on our campuses. So, is it enough to listen and learn?