Are Listening and Learning Enough?

Yes, listening and learning are important and necessary steps, particularly in higher education where life-long learning is a shared value. However, focusing exclusively on listening and learning continues a problematic pattern of situating people of color as the sole guardians of race knowledge. Plus, it keeps white allies in a passive role when it comes to taking action for sustained systemic change on our campuses. So, is it enough to listen and learn?

Less Common Interview Questions

Interviews are fundamental to the success of building successful teams. It’s essential to reevaluate your questions to ensure you’re authentically assessing your candidates. Think outside of the box with your questions to get a better glimpse of your candidates, whether the interviews be in person or virtually.

Effective Recruitment and Selection Processes

As you plan for the hiring season, consider working through the following questions to ensure the candidates you’re recruiting and selecting will be the best fit for the job. Recruitment and selection is a process that will continually change to meet the ever-changing needs of the institution as well as the changing role of the target population.

Paperless Student Staff Selection

With thoughtful consideration and sustainable practices, the effects of COVID in some areas could be viewed as positive when we look back. Selection and hiring processes could be one of the areas that force positive change by adopting both environmentally and socially sustainable practices.

Coordinated Staff Development

The thoughtful and integrated approach to staff development based on your desired traits will create a meaningful development opportunity for your staff. Not all staff will start in the same place, but working together and sharing in the journey will bring your team closer together. It’s important to use the traits and attributes that you value in your staff and ensure you foster interest, understanding, growth, and transparency throughout your process.

Los Angeles Room and Board

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, and homelessness have and continue to be an issue on college and university campuses. Unfortunately, they are issues that continue to encounter a social stigma associated with these issues. It’s a systemic issue that unfortunately impacts already marginalized communities. Sam Prater founded LA Room and Board as a place “to support students in identifying housing without respect to credit worthiness, income level, or other barriers.

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