Free Guide: Data Collection Incident Reporting

Do you want to collect more data but are having a hard time deciding what you need to collect? Download and complete this planning sheet to get you started on the fast track to collecting the data that matters.

Free Guide: Exploring Your Next Steps in Student Affairs

We appreciate the work that you do to listen, mentor, and support students who are deciding on their next steps in their journey in Student Affairs. This resource is an easy-to-read handout that you can pass along to student staff members so they can easily gain more information about their options.

Free Guide: Interview Reflection

Residence Life Professionals are educators. Build upon the educational component of your selection process by including a self-reflection for your candidates on their interview experience. It doesn’t need to be complex (in fact, simple is the key) however, it should encourage candidates to think upon their experience and document their feelings so they can learn for the future. Here is a template to get you started.

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