Campus Showcase: Colorado School of Mines

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If you’ve spent any time in eRezLife, you’ve probably come across the term “School Administrator.” What is a School Admin? Is it the administration at your college or university? Administrative support staff? The eRezLife users you’ve added to the “School Admin” group on your site? Let’s clear up any confusion!

School Administrator (“School Admin”) /skōōl əd’ minə strādər/ noun

    the go-to person for all things eRezLife on campus who has completed training and is knowledgeable in administering their site
    trained by the primary admin and understands the functionality of the site. Able to step in and assist when needed.

If this sparks feelings of too much pressure, a creeping imposter syndrome, or fear of power hoarding, read on to see how our colleagues at Colorado School of Mines designated School Admins on their eRezLife site. 

Meet Mines

Sarah Friswold-Atwood is the Associate Director of Residence Life for Residential Education. In her role, Sarah oversees the Residence Life Coordinators and their student staff, all programming initiatives, and Theme Learning Community development. 

Max Wright is the Associate Director of Residence Life for Facilities and Operations. In his role, Max oversees all aspects of Residence Life assets, building projects, and yearly procedures. 

Julie Thorpe is the Assistant Director of Residence Life. In her role, Julie oversees the student staff selection process. 

The way the Mines team designated School Admin access in eRezLife is reflective of how the team functions in general. Within the scope of their roles, it made sense for Sarah to directly oversee Residence Life Management, Max to work directly with Room Condition Reporting, and Julie to manage Staff Selection within eRezLife. Sarah explained, “We spend a lot of time talking and making decisions as a leadership team unit, so it’s important to be collaborative knowing that eRezLife hits different areas of our work.” 

Why should you consider having more than one school admin?

Even though the Mines team has distinct functional responsibilities, they work under the philosophy that collaborative decision-making helps them enhance their processes. With a few key people taking on the role of School Admin, Sarah, Max, and Julie were able to share the responsibility of learning a new software, welcome new perspectives in evaluating existing processes and how eRezLife could enhance their efficiency, and garner staff buy-in and support. The knowledge sharing between School Admins has helped to ensure diversity of thought as the team adopts a new software. 

Feeling inspired by Colorado School of Mines?

Do you have a new School Admin who needs a little training to feel more confident administering your site? Contact to get something scheduled!

Let us know if you have new admins at your institution!

Explore the possibilities that eRezLife has to offer:

Schedule a demo and ask about what implementation could look like on your campus!

Welcome to the community. We’re glad you’re here.

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