Online Room Selection

How meaningful would it be to have a sense of control when it comes to residence room selection? It can be overwhelming or intimidating to consider a move to online room selection. We can appreciate that you may see the value of online room selection, but you need to convince stakeholders of the value.

Woman giving a presentation

Leverage Your Occupancy Data

In order to be successful as an occupancy manager, you need to leverage your data for your stakeholders. The success of occupancy managers is determined by their ability to leverage their occupancy data and make it accessible for stakeholders. By thinking beyond what is wrong and where the vacancies or voids exist, occupancy managers can create opportunities for greater student satisfaction and retention.

Occupancy versus Vacancy Reports

Occupancy Managers often do not get the attention and praise they deserve. They manage a large amount of data and details that directly impact student satisfaction. This blog post is going to dive deeper into this debate around the value of an occupancy report versus that of a vacancy report.

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