Oh, Hey! Welcome to the Community!
We know how thrilling the back to school season can be. Browsing the aisles of Staples looking for all our new gear, getting ready to move into our residences, meeting new people, and wanting to start off another school year on the right foot. For residents, getting to know each other can transform your living environment from a place to sleep into a community. We know you’re more than familiar with ice breakers but we asked our staff and these are their faves!
1) Zip Zap Zao – Jenna @eRezLife
How to play: To play “Zip Zap Zop,” have all participants stand in a circle. The game starts with one person clapping their hands together, pointing to another person in the circle, and saying “Zip.” The person who receives the “Zip” then claps, points to someone else, and says “Zap.” The next person continues the pattern by saying “Zop” while pointing to a new participant. The sequence of “Zip Zap Zop” continues around the circle. The goal is to keep the rhythm and energy high, maintaining the sequence without hesitation or mistakes.
2) “Biggest Fan” Rock, Paper, Scissors Energizer – Tiffany @eRezLife
How to play: To play the “Biggest Fan” Rock, Paper, Scissors Energizer, start by pairing everyone up for a classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner of each round moves on to challenge other winners, while the loser becomes the “biggest fan” of the person who defeated them, cheering them on enthusiastically. This process continues until only two players are left, each with a group of fans cheering them on. The final round determines the ultimate winner, who receives the loudest cheers and applause from the entire group.
3) Two truths and a lie – Kevin @eRezLife
How to play: To play “Two Truths and a Lie,” each participant takes turns sharing three statements about themselves: two that are true and one that is a lie. The other players then try to guess which statement is the lie. After everyone has made their guesses, the person reveals which statement was false.
4) Would you rather – Ankita @eRezLife
How to play: To play “Would You Rather,” gather participants in a circle. One person starts by posing a question that presents two challenging or humorous choices, asking, “Would you rather [option A] or [option B]?” For example, “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” or “Would you rather always have to sing instead of speak or dance everywhere you go?” Each participant takes turns answering, and then the next person asks their own “Would You Rather” question. This is a great icebreaker for a Roommate Bootcamp.
5) Human Bingo – Tiffany @eRezLife
How to play: To play Human Bingo, each participant receives a bingo card filled with various statements or characteristics, such as “has traveled to another country” or “plays a musical instrument.” The goal is to mingle and find other participants who match the descriptions on the card, writing their names in the corresponding squares. Each person can only sign one square per card, encouraging everyone to interact with multiple people. The first person to fill a row, column, or diagonal with signatures shouts “Bingo!” and wins the game.
And there you have it—some engaging and entertaining back-to-school icebreakers to kick off the new school year! These activities are sure to help students break the ice, build connections, and create a positive environment. Don’t forget to tag @erezlife on socials and let us know which icebreaker is your favorite!
Welcome to our community. We’re glad you’re here.
1) https://ydnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/11-Biggest-Fan.pdf
2) https://www.thoughtco.com/2-truths-lie-idea-list-1-31144
3) https://bbbpress.com/2013/01/zip-zap-zop/