Community Building

Residence Dining and Wellness

Residence Dining and Wellness

If you work at an institution that offers meal plans, you know that no one plan satisfies all of your students. Whether you offer an all-you-care-to-eat plan, a declining balance plan, or a set number of meals, there are pros and cons to all. The incoming population is comprised of global, social, visual, and technological students, and their generational placement directly impacts their presence and influence in our dining and residence halls. Join us for this three-part series as we dive into the current population, the impact of a shared dining experience, and how the selection of a meal plan impacts community development.

Be Kind Rewind

Be Kind, Rewind

Staff Hiring is fast approaching and you’ll be in the recruitment phase before you know it. As a Residence Life Staff member, you are influencing students daily. You motivate, you encourage and you pick up the pieces and rebuild the puzzle when it’s falling apart. How does your influence motivate others to apply for Residence Life positions? Join us as we chat about considerations to ensure your encouragement is not misleading.


Self-Care #3: Stress and Your Health

Residence Life is a difficult profession, especially in August and September. You give all you’ve got and don’t get much in return. It’s important to take care of yourself throughout the year but especially when stress is high, when you’re exhausted, and when you have little time. Join us for the final installment of this series as we chat about connectivity, mindfulness, and stress.

Self Care Connectivity

Self-Care #1: Connectivity

Residence Life is a difficult profession, especially in August and September. You give all you’ve got and don’t get much in return. It’s important to take care of yourself throughout the year but especially when stress is high, when you’re exhausted, and when you have little time. Join us for the next three blog posts as we chat about setting connectivity, mindfulness, and stress.