Community Building

Saint Mary’s College: Online Room Selection

Saint Mary’s College: Online Room Selection

We’re always looking for ways to improve our assignment processes. Whether you’re looking to improve efficiencies for your staff or increase the autonomy for your students, we all can benefit from learning about the best practices of other institutions. Saint Mary’s College is doing things a little differently. Let’s take a minute to learn about their online room selection process.



Assessment is on the forefront for many student affairs professionals. Behind the buzz is data and proof that our work matters. As part of this broader effort to improve assessment efforts, housing and residence life professionals need solid strategies to make sense of assessment data, drive action, and improve the student experience. Benchmarking is one powerful option.

Welcome to the Community, IRL

Welcome to the Community, IRL

Our 2019 User Conference included 26 sessions, one-on-one meetings and networking opportunities.The goal was to not only educate our delegates on ways to use eRezLife, but also to engage the delegation in conversation. As anyone in higher education knows, shared learning is a powerful thing. There was laughter and excitement, questions and notetaking, and smiles and looks of inquiry—it was happening. Our community was openly sharing their struggles and successes.