
Assessment is on the forefront for many student affairs professionals. Behind the buzz is data and proof that our work matters. As part of this broader effort to improve assessment efforts, housing and residence life professionals need solid strategies to make sense of assessment data, drive action, and improve the student experience. Benchmarking is one powerful option.

Empathy Interview Questions

You know the benefits of conducting Empathy Interviews. If you’re interested in trying out this approach, or if you’re looking for inspiration to revamp your current set of questions, here are some ideas.

Two heads with words related to empathy

Empathetic Interviewing

Empathy is a key trait of a successful RA. It is promoted through active listening and intentional interactions.. So, why aren’t more schools modeling this in their interview questions?

Two individuals sitting at a table and talking

22 Questions

A curated list of questions that you can pull for your upcoming student staff interviews. Use them as a starting place for your conversations. Starting from scratch is difficult, but if you present a list of questions to your team, they will have opinions.

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