Customer Service Door

Customer Service: Follow Up

Nothing frustrates me more than being told someone will follow up and then it doesn’t happen. I get it– you get busy, but if you say you’re going to follow up, then do it. It’s not hard. Set an alarm, write it in your calendar, do what you need to do so you don’t forget. It’s so helpful when you’re trying to resolve an issue and the contact person calls back a couple days later. If the client is still struggling, they don’t have to reach out again; you’ve opened the door again showing that you’re happy and willing to help.

The most satisfying follow-up can occur when someone is not expecting it. Consider this example: My daughter recently started swim club. As someone who was never involved in swim club, this is a new world for me. The club sent around an email asking the swimmers to sign up for meets, and I could not seem to located the place to do it (even under the “view meets” tab). I emailed for assistance. I received an email back within a couple hours, which was helpful, but the part that set this service apart was that the email was followed up by a phone call four hours later to ensure I was feeling confident and could find what I needed. Honestly, following that call, I felt like the club cares about each swimmer. It made a definite difference in the way I view and appreciate the club.  

So, how does this apply to Residence Life? Think about ways to proactively approach follow-up.

What if…

  • someone complains about the food in the Dining Room?
    • Ask them how their lunch was next time you see them (and make a point of “accidentally” running into them).
  • a student talks to you about the anxiety surrounding an upcoming midterm?
    • Leave them a card and maybe even a treat before their exam.
  • your staff member is a different religion than you?
    • Calendar the specific holidays for that religion, and reach out on those days.

The most important piece with follow-up is that it is timely and sincere. It doesn’t have to take a long time; it’s the thought that counts. We can’t forget to follow up when it’s implied or promised, and what will set you apart is when you’re able to anticipate needs and follow up without any expectations.


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