Oh hey. Welcome to the community.

To say that 2020 has been a challenging year is an understatement, and trying to predict what 2021 may hold is even more complex with the uncertainty ahead. When you can’t make an educated decision about the upcoming year, how can you create informed, SMART goals without setting yourself up for failure? It’s important to reflect on the past in order to learn and move forward in a productive way.

As you reflect on the past year and think of the possibilities in the year ahead, consider the following questions:

  • What was the most impactful decision that you needed to react to?
  • Where were you when you first heard about COVID-19?
  • How has 2020 changed your views of race, power, and privilege?
  • What do you hope that students will remember from their time in residence or from engaging with your staff in 2020?
  • In what ways has 2020 changed you?
  • What memory of 2020 makes you smile?
  • What are you most looking forward to in 2021?
  • What is one change that you will likely adapt permanently?

Reflecting on the past year will help you acknowledge how much you’ve grown and how you can continue to move forward. 

Welcome to the community. We’re glad you’re here.

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