Thank you, SEAHO. Thank you for selecting us as your Corporate Partner Award recipient for 2021.

On February 25, 2021, we sat in the SEAHO business meeting and heard Katie Lewis announce eRezLife Software as the recipient of the 2021 Corporate Partner Award. She read powerful statements from our community members who nominated us and provided our small company with recognition that holds so much meaning. For us, the award highlighted our company, but more importantly, it highlighted the value and importance of community. 

“The SEAHO community has welcomed us with open arms and warm hearts, and we couldn’t be more thankful for your support and this recognition. Whether we are working to support your residential education and housing initiatives or simply hosting a book club or virtual game night, our SEAHO friends and colleagues bring joy to our lives every day! Thank you for all you do!”

John Bender, VP Client Success and Sales

Although rarely acknowledged, the work of Residence Life and Housing Professionals is significant work and dramatically impacts the student experience. Professionals work tirelessly, putting in long days and weeks to support understaffed programs and create memorable experiences. It’s your work and your commitments that drive our empathetic approach. As you know, the team at eRezLife has been in your shoes and worked in Residence Life and Housing. Our team appreciates the exhaustion, both emotional and physical, that comes with the role.  That is exactly why this award is so meaningful. Our nominators felt passionately enough about our initiatives to take the time to nominate us and share the stories of our community-based approach to software support. The recognition of those initiatives, especially in a pandemic year, is deeply meaningful, as it amplifies the impact we can have on our community. 

“The thoughtful nomination letters reinforce we’re headed in the right direction and that we’re building our team in a positive way to have meaningful impact. It’s hard to believe that Savannah, GA back in 2008 was my first introduction to the SEAHO experience. SEAHO has become so much more than an association to us and we’re grateful to have always been a welcomed part of your community. It’s been our pleasure serving so many schools within this region and we look forward to building upon these partnerships and contributing back to this community.”

Chad Elliott, CEO and Co-Founder

This recognition is not taken lightly. This award is not the end, but simply the beginning. It is motivation to continue to provide world class customer service and find ways to engage our community in even more meaningful ways. We are extremely grateful to the SEAHO community for the recognition and encouragement. We couldn’t do it without you. Our blog tagline holds additional value today as our team reflects on your recognition and appreciation. 

Welcome to the community. We’re glad you’re here.

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