Simplify Staff Selection

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Staff selection can be a daunting administrative task. Not only do you need to collect and manage many applications and multiple processes, but you need to follow up on those applications. Candidates need to be evaluated and ranked, interviews need to be scheduled, references collected, and input from the team needs to be considered as you decide which candidates would be best suited for your positions. There are many moving parts and countless documents to manage.

The multiple, dynamic components of staff hiring can take over your desk. Especially in student affairs, this is difficult to manage with all of your other priorities. Here are a couple of tips to help streamline your process.

Eliminate Paper Files and Printing

Using an online application system not only will save you time, but you’ll also save on resources. People rarely factor the time that goes into printing and collating printed applications, printing the labels, and then alphabetizing and filing all of the applications. An online system will do the work seamlessly while saving time and making it harder for one of the applications to go missing or be overlooked. 


The communication that occurs during a staff selection process is dramatically underestimated. Using a system like eRezLife can automate your communications, using your custom templates to communicate with candidates at every step in your unique process. Furthermore, the system tracks your communications with a timestamp so there’s never a question of if and when communication was sent to a candidate.

“eRezlife has impacted my work by housing all of our applicants in one easy accessible place. I am able to coordinate two different hiring processes without being a tech guru. We have successfully used this platform since I have been at Purdue and are always pleased with the accessibility of it. We very rarely hear from students that they are having trouble!”

-Cameron Hoyt, Program Coordinator of Orientation Programs, Purdue University

Use An Interview Scheduler

Whether you have five candidates or five hundred candidates, scheduling interviews is a tedious process. Candidates rarely answer their phones anymore, so you’re stuck in a back-and-forth game of telephone tag. There are many scheduling services available, so it’s a matter of choosing the right one for your process. The eRezLife staff selection service allows your candidates to self-select their interview time, tying their selection to their application package so you have all of their information in one place. Have more than one interview in your process? No problem; your candidate can schedule multiple interviews. 

Rank Your Candidates Before Decision Day

Tying your scoresheets, evaluations, and reference checks to your applicant files makes for easy candidate review. Whether you want to pull an aggregate score or review a certain component of your interview process, the accessibility of a one-stop-shop for the full application package makes candidate reviews simple and painless. Online accessibility also allows your staff to view the same files at once and rank candidates so as a manager, you can anticipate discussion and conflicts.

Keep Track of Your Candidates

Keeping track of where your candidates are in the process can be difficult. Whether you have a lot of candidates or just have conflicting priorities, it’s important to track what stage each of your candidates is at in the process. The eRezLife staff selection system uses your custom process to move candidates through the selection process and easily allows you to see if any candidates have been left behind at a stage. Furthermore, candidates can accept and decline offers online making it easy to see how many offers are outstanding or expired and if any new offers need to be made.

Staff selection doesn’t have to be an administrative burden if you have the right tools at your disposal. eRezLife’s staff selection tool is an affordable way to save time and simplify work by having the full selection process in one place from start to finish. If you’d like to talk about the ways that our platform could help your process, reach out and say hello!  We’d love to hear about your process and how we could customize our site to meet your needs.

Welcome to the community. We’re glad you’re here. 

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