Taking Care to the Next Level
There are many ways that student affairs professionals can take an active role in addressing student homelessness, food insecurity, and housing insecurity on their campuses.
There are many ways that student affairs professionals can take an active role in addressing student homelessness, food insecurity, and housing insecurity on their campuses.
Three realities alive on campuses today limit our ability to act meaningfully. First, the topic of race/racism is often superficially engaged with, and sometimes avoided altogether. Second, very few institutions gather meaningful data about the lived experiences of their racialized students, staff, and faculty. Third, experiences of racism are often recorded as isolated anecdotes or incidents, with little to no formal structures to investigate if/how these experiences permeate the culture of the institution. How can we disrupt the status quo?
This year, we’ve decided to dedicate our annual summer reading list to rise up the voices that need to be heard. Most of the books on the list below are written by Black people or Indigenous peoples to support the current conversations happening in the United States and Canada at this moment in time.
eRezLife Software and Skyfactor, a Macmillan Learning Company, announced a new partnership, which brings together Skyfactor’s student affairs and residence life assessment expertise and eRezLife Software’s diverse and comprehensive data collection capabilities and knowledge of student housing and residence life processes. The partnership will focus on delivering joint materials to student housing and residence life professionals, to help them communicate the value of their efforts to their various constituents.
It’s not always intuitive for students to think about what characteristics are important when living with someone. Popular media has suggested that you need to be best friends with your freshman roommate, and if you’re not, it’s a failed relationship. There is value in creating learning opportunities for your students to understand the criteria for matching roommates. You can take it one step further by letting your students select their own roommates.
A year ago, I embraced change and took a risk. I left the security of the institution I’d worked at for over 15 years. It was my alma mater, gave me the foundation that bloomed…
eRezLife’s new consulting services are now available to support your programs and institution in ways that you have never seen before. Our consultants have extensive industry knowledge and can help overhaul your existing organizational structure, advise on developing or assessing your curricular approach, optimize your existing services, plus much, much more.
The concept of helicopter parents is not new. What is new is the adaptation of some of the traits of helicopter parents in Residence Life Professionals. Learn some strategies for empowering students with helicopter parents.