
Thank You, SEAHO!

Thank You, SEAHO!

On February 25, 2021, we sat in the SEAHO business meeting and heard Katie Lewis announce eRezLife Software as the recipient of the 2021 Corporate Partner Award. She read powerful statements from our community members who nominated us and provided our small company with recognition that holds so much meaning. For us, the award highlighted our company, but more importantly, it highlighted the value and importance of community.

2020 Reflections

2020 Reflections

To say that 2020 has been a challenging year is an understatement, and trying to predict what 2021 may hold is even more complex with the uncertainty ahead. When you can’t make an educated decision about the upcoming year, how can you create informed, SMART goals without setting yourself up for failure? It’s important to reflect on the past in order to learn and move forward in a productive way.

Are Listening and Learning Enough?

Are Listening and Learning Enough?

Yes, listening and learning are important and necessary steps, particularly in higher education where life-long learning is a shared value. However, focusing exclusively on listening and learning continues a problematic pattern of situating people of color as the sole guardians of race knowledge. Plus, it keeps white allies in a passive role when it comes to taking action for sustained systemic change on our campuses. So, is it enough to listen and learn?

2020 Virtual User Conference

2020 Virtual User Conference

Join us from September 30 to October 2 and learn more about eRezLife Software and our community. The conference will offer over 20 sessions that have been curated to allow you to learn from others, ask questions, and build stronger connections with other eRezLife users. Best of all – the experience is FREE for our community members. We do ask that you make a $50 contribution to a charity of your choice in lieu of your registration fee.

Adapting to the new normal

Adapting to the New Normal

There is a new normal out there, and it’s a difficult one for the industry we work in. As an essential service, many housing and residence life operations are balancing the expectation to stay home with the expectation to care for their students who remain in residence and those that continue to require support from afar. On top of that, you’re adapting to different expectations at your institution and different expectations at home, potentially feeling isolated and exhausted. We need to adapt.

Working Remotely

Working Remotely

For those of you who are able to work from home, you’ve likely found out that it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. There are distractions present, assumptions about what it will be like and how much you can get done, and guilt about what you should be doing and how you are privileged to have this opportunity. Our Client Success team thought it may be helpful to share some of our tips for working from home when you’re used to a fast-paced, highly interactive environment.

Welcome to the Community, IRL

Welcome to the Community, IRL

Our 2019 User Conference included 26 sessions, one-on-one meetings and networking opportunities.The goal was to not only educate our delegates on ways to use eRezLife, but also to engage the delegation in conversation. As anyone in higher education knows, shared learning is a powerful thing. There was laughter and excitement, questions and notetaking, and smiles and looks of inquiry—it was happening. Our community was openly sharing their struggles and successes.